Japon drôle, bizarre et farfelue compilation lol

Japon drôle, bizarre et farfelue compilation lol

Join us and experience Japan in a different way! This is an example of how TV advertisements should be for their products to sell! At least, that's what we think here ^_^ Enjoy!!! The Funny, weird & cool Japan! series include a selection of the best/most interesting commercials aired in Japan in recent times, not weeks like the regular compilations (aka 'Japanese TV Commercials'); these are like a 'Best of' compilation. The main purpose is to show the new viewers why is it that we are addicted to Japanese commercials, but it is also an interesting way to remember those special commercials that stood above the rest.

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Japon bizarre! Le site pour toute les folies japonaises!

Des belles japonaises sexy, des dessins animés bizarres, des jeux télévisés sadiques... Toute la culture wtf du Japon sur ce site!